What Is The Process Of The Endodontics?
Endodontics is a dental treatment that deals with the tooth’s pulp and the tissue around the tooth’s root. Your teeth have several layers of hard and soft tissue. Endodontics specializes in this soft tissue and root canal system. The root canal system has blood vessels and nerve endings. When the nerve endings in the tissue around the tooth are damaged or infected, as is often seen with pain, the root canal is the usual tooth restoration method. Oakville Endodontic specialists explain that the soft tissue is made up of tooth pulp and a canal system known as the root canal system.
Understanding tooth anatomy helps to understand the endodontic treatment. There is the soft tissue inside the tooth, under the white enamel and the dentin called the pulp. It contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue, and it forms the hard tissues of the tooth during growth.
When You Need Endodontics?
Endodontic treatment is necessary in case of inflamed or infected pulp. Inflammation or infection can have several causes: deep caries, frequent dental procedures on the tooth, cracked tooth, etc. Besides, damage to the tooth can damage the pulp even if it has no chips or cracks. If the pulp’s inflammation or infection is not treated, it can cause pain or lead to an abscess.
A Few Signs Are Indicating The Need For An Endodontics:
- Severe pain while chewing or biting
- Pimples on the gums
- Cracked teeth
- .Swollen or sensitive gums
- Deep or dark gums
Inflammation Or Infection Can Have Many Causes
- Common dental procedures
- Too much filling
- Severe gum disease
- Loose filling
- Excessive wear of teeth
- Trauma
- Physical hit to the teeth
How Does Endodontic Treatment Save Teeth?
First, the dentist removes the infected pulp, carefully cleans the root and shapes a canal inside the root, then fills the space. The dentist may then perform a crown or other restoration on the tooth to protect and restore the tooth, and after restoration, the tooth will continue to function like any other tooth.
Endodontic Method
Endodontic treatment includes the following steps:
_ the dentist examines the teeth and then gives the teeth an X-ray, and then manages local anesthesia. After the tooth falls out, the dentist places a small protective sheet called a “tooth barrier” in this area to remove the tooth and keep it clean during the procedure.
– The dentist opens the tooth crown. Tiny tools are used to clean the pulp and the root canal, making up the space needed for filling.
The dentist fills the root canals with a substance, usually a rubber substance called gutta-percha. Gutta-percha is placed with a sticky cement to ensure complete sealing of root canals. Your dentist will remove temporary injections before the tooth restoration.
Endodontic Surgery Steps
In the first stage, the desired position is anesthetized by the dentist, and then the dentist does the following steps:
Using flap design
Bypassing the flap and accessing the apex
Curettage the terminal nerve tissue of the tooth
Amputation of the root end, filling the root end, and radiographic examinations of the operated tooth
Finally, the suture of the operated site will be done
If nerve re-treatment or even endodontic surgery does not work for the patient, the patient’s tooth should be extracted. Then additional treatments such as implants, bridges or prostheses should be used.