Coronavirus and CBD: Dealing with Corona through CBD Products
As I hope you’re aware, there’s an international pandemic striking the planet right now. Things are chaotic in a way they haven’t been for generations, and uncertainty seems to color every aspect of the future. If you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, you might need helping calming down. Fortunately, CBD products might be just the thing to help you out.
CBD is a 100% natural substance, derived from the cannabis plant. While some of you are probably recoiling at my use of the “c” word, CBD is made using hemp, rather than marijuana. This means that it’s not only legal, but it’s also not a drug. CBD oil must contain less than 0.3% THC, a psychoactive ingredient responsible for the high that marijuana gives.
Now, the question on your mind is likely “can CBD cure the coronavirus?”.
I’m afraid I have to say a big, fat “no”. If anyone tries to convince you that CBD oil or CBD edibles will cure COVID-19, disregard them completely as a trusted source. Disinformation helps nobody, and using it in a time of crisis is despicable.
That being said, these are times are stressful, and CBD products can help that. CBD has been noted by many independent studies to be an incredible source of relaxation and calm. You might find yourself looking to CBD not for physical health, but mental health. Acting with rational, controlled logic might be the best course of action in the coming months.
If things continue to take a darker turn, you might have trouble sleeping. Luckily, CBD products have been noted for their assistance in tackling insomnia. Anecdotal evidence and medical studies have recorded this, and if you’re looking for a way to sleep through the crisis, you might want to consider CBD here as well.
No matter what, if you’re looking to try CBD products, make sure you consult your doctor first. They may interact with other medications in negative ways, and these aren’t times to be taking risks like that.
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